Intern Guru

Python for Beginners

A Gateway to the World of Programming

Course Overview

Welcome to the exciting world of Python programming! This course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in programming using Python. From understanding basic syntax to building simple applications, you’ll gain hands-on experience with one of the most versatile and widely used programming languages. Get ready to dive into the world of Python programming!

Objective: Introduce students to the fundamentals of programming using Python, covering basic concepts and practical applications.

Week 1: Introduction to Python

  • Overview of Python and its applications
  • Setting up the Python environment
  • Basic syntax, data types, and variables
  • Writing and executing simple Python programs

Week 2: Operators and Control Flow

  • Introduction to operators in Python
  • Arithmetic and logical operators
  • Conditional statements: if, elif, and else
  • Looping structures: for loops and while loops with practical examples

Week 3: Data Structures (Strings, Lists, and Tuples)

  • Strings: creation, indexing, slicing, and built-in methods
  • Lists: creation, indexing, slicing, and list methods
  • Tuples: creation, immutability, and unpacking

Week 4: Data Structures (Dictionaries, Sets, and Functions)

  • Dictionaries: key-value pairs, methods, and iterating
  • Sets: creation, methods, and set operations
  • Introduction to functions: defining functions and inbuilt functions

Week 5: Functions, Lambda, Modules, and Libraries

  • Understanding lambda functions and their uses
  • Introduction to modules and packages: creating and importing
  • Exploring standard libraries: math, random, datetime

Week 6: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Basics

  • Introduction to classes and objects
  • Understanding attributes and methods
  • Creating classes and instantiating objects
  • Basics of inheritance and creating subclasses


Week 7: File I/O and Error Handling

  • Working with files: opening, reading, writing, and closing files
  • Handling text and binary files with examples
  • Introduction to exceptions and error handling using try/except blocks


Week 8: Final Project

  • Introduction to the final project: requirements and objectives
  • Work on the project, incorporating concepts learned throughout the course
  • Final project presentations and feedback session


This course is designed for beginners with little to no programming experience who are eager to learn Python.

No, there is no age restriction for enrollment. This course is suitable for anyone interested in learning Python.

A computer with Python installed. Details on the setup will be provided at the beginning of the course.

Yes, upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate recognizing your understanding of Python programming.

Enrollment is simple! Choose the course, and follow the enrollment instructions. If you encounter any issues, our support team is ready to assist you.


Python Expert

About This Course:

Start your learning journey today! Enroll now in our online course.